Rabies Information


       The incubation period for rabies is usually a few months but it can be as shot as 9 days and in the most rare of cases around 5 years. In animals such as dogs and cats it can be weeks to months before symptoms can be seen and it can be treated. 
        Usually flu like symptoms first show up such as a fever. But then things such as partial paralysis, insomnia, anxiety, hallucinations, confusion paranoia, and then finally delirium. In animals along with humans foaming of the mouth will occur in infected animals or humans. But that is only in patients who are already past the incubation period. 
        Basically it seems as if the person is going insane in a very short amount of time without explanation. In many animals the first signs are just abnormal behavior such as a friendly animal being angry, normally nocturnal animals like bats and raccoons being active in the  day, and drooling. Also in humans hydro and aerophobia are common as their throat begins to close up and paralysis sets in.